Eassa@Getting Ready For School

Salam alaykum all, I have been thinking a lot about what to do in these confusing times regarding schools. In our home, we have four people with respiratory issues, including the children’s grandmother who is over 70. It just doesn’t make sense to continue exposing them to the risk of catching the virus from school, which may be life threatening….And how much disinfecting can one do when there are books and laptops and lunches and close contact in closed environment on regular basis. .
So we made a decision. Even if this means my eldest two (one at university and one year 12) lose a year of study because of “unjustified” absence, it pales in comparison to losing one of the family members to the virus. As of tomorrow they will stay home in self isolation. My husband will be the only one going out, but must follow strict process of disinfection before entering the home. There doesnt seem to be any other option. .
I am though looking forward to how we will make it work at home, and all the learning we will share. This doesn’t mean that it will all be rosy. There will be times of disharmony and frustration, but that’s life anyway. I am also looking forward to using technology to connect with friends and family and share good times. I will keep you updated Inshaallah ❤👌🏽

Now tell me, what are your plans? Share your thoughts below please. .
We call upon The Protector, The Healer, The Merciful to remove this hardship, heal the sick, and grant all health.