Eassa@Online Learning

Eassa this morning, paying full attention to his literacy lesson with his lovely teacher online.
When I enrolled Eassa in school this year, it was part-time for three mornings a week. I was worried: would he feel like an outsider because he only attended school for a few hours? Would he lose precious learning time going backwards and forwards between school and home? Will he love school so much that he would refuse to homeschool in the future?
Back then, ofcourse, I did not anticipate Corona and lockdowns.
A positive with this crazy 2020 year is that Eassa is getting the perfect opportunity to connect with classmates on an equal footing while developing his social and communication skills. It also boosts his computer skills and independant learning. I am gaining from it too by accessing new learning resources available through his school. This is making my task so much easier, thanks to his awesome teacher (round of applause for all teachers, they are champions).
So, it’s been good in many ways. It’s been real tough too… maybe much tougher for many of you out there. I stretch my arms up towards the sky. I call on You, my Maker. I call upon your Mercy and Power. I show my gratitude and humbleness. I spread my heart for You, The Lord of all the worlds. I know You see me and hear me. Give us all strength and patience, and an appreciation of all goodness around us. Give us inner peace❤.