This series introduces children to the concept of God in Islam. It answers many of the early questions children have about God in a child friendly way.
حدثني عن ربي
يمثّل الإيمان بالله أهمّ غايات الرسل، وهو أكثر العقائد تأثيراً على روح الإنسان وحالاته النفسية وسلوكه. وقد حرّرت سلسلة (حدّثني عن ربّي؟) في سبيل تعريف الأطفال على هذا الموضوع العقيديّ الهام. وهي تهتمّ بتقوية بنيان التربية الدينيّة، وذلك من خلال تقديم دورة في معرفة الله، تتناسب ومستوى تفكير الطفل وقدراته الذهنيّة، كما تعمل على ترسيخ ما لديه من معتقدات توحيديّة فطريّة لم تلوّثها الشبهات والأفكار المشوّشة. أخي المربّي، تجيبك هذه السلسلة على عدد كبير من الأسئلة التوحيديّة لدى الأطفال.
Available on back-order
Maraim Hameed –
I purchased this beautiful set few months ago and alhamduallah had the chance to read the whole set for my boys. Subhanallah its so amazing to see the impact such books have on the soul of my kids. They are 5 and 4 years old and know about the existence of their creator, how to Love Allah s.w.t, and have learned some attributes of Allah s.w.t.
It is a very simple well presented books that perfectly shape your ideology towards understanding your creator at a child level and also it has done a great job in simplifying complex philosophical issues such as what will happen if we have 2 Gods ect.
This books are the best gifts I have ever gifted my boys which has nourished their soul in a way that prepares them well to build their relationship with Allah s.w.t.
Its a must book for every child to have!